365 Days Of Photos
A decision to capture a photograph every day for 365 days. Lets see how it goes. This is an update of what I’ve captured so far!
A decision to capture a photograph every day for 365 days. Lets see how it goes. This is an update of what I’ve captured so far!
Can I be happy replacing a Tamron 150-600mm for a Micro Four Thirds 100-400mm?
In a photography slump or just want a few new ideas to put some fun back into things? Then have a read my friend.
Quote retweets? Are they good or bad for artists?
I’m starting something new, fun and exciting that I want everyone to know about….and it may have something to do with fungi.
Happy New Year! A few words on a recent trip to The Birches/Shining Cliff Woods and what I found there (other than lots of rain).
A general ramble of what I’ve been up to recently with some pretty photographs to look at.
A small rant that’s been brewing for a while on Twitter ‘drop your shots’
A quick catch up on what I’ve been up to lately with a couple of pics for fun.