Welcome to my new site and if you made it this far thanks for taking the time to read this. You might be wondering what all of this is actually about? Here’s a little Q&A to get things starting

Who are you?

I’m Scott, and I’m a hobby photographer.

What does that actually mean?

Well, I go out, I take photographs of things that I enjoy and I share them with the world.

So why a store?

I created a store for a couple of reasons. The main reason is photography is not a cheap hobby, especially if you love new technology (and I really love new technology). The second reason is more personal. I like to try and improve my photography but in a busy world I find it difficult to focus on how or why I think something has improved. So this site is my own personal critique. It might work, it might not, time will tell.

Your own personal critique?

Yup! On this site you’ll only find what I consider to be my 10 best photographs at any current time. I’m limiting stock so if something sells out I better get my head into gear and take some more photos, or what is more likely to happen is over time I’ll produce photos that I think are worthy of my personal top 10.

I’ve seen some of your photographs elsewhere and these aren’t your best!

Cool, shoot me message on twitter and tell me what you like about it. Photography and art is subjective after all and there to be discussed.

Haven’t I seen your work for sale in other places?

You most definitely have. I’ve taken quite a few photos over the years and there’s a lot of different avenues for selling art. This site isn’t solely about selling, and if you like something you’ve seen elsewhere please consider supporting me.

That’s about it for now. If you have any more questions about this site or any of my photographs feel free to reach out. Hopefully there will be more blog posts in the future.

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