After seeing Peter McKinnon’s latest YouTube video where he mentions doing a 365 days of photos. I realised this isn’t something I’ve really done. Sure, I post to Twitter daily at the moment, but I’ve made no claim that each photo posted was taken on that day (for full clarity I usually get outside on a weekend and take few shots and share them over the week, rather than spam them all in a day….as tempting as that may be).

With that in mind I thought I might as well give it a go. I don’t need many excuses to take photographs, but I thought this might get me thinking a little more about some different compositions and subjects. Unfortunately I’m not always able to go for a nice walk around a forest daily to capture the usual subjects I seem to enjoy.

So here we are. I’ll try and create a blog post every week or two catching up on my photos and explaining the inspiration behind them. Oh, and before I forget not all of these are taken with my big fancy camera, some are mobile phone shots for ease of access.

Day 1

My home keyboard. This might seem like much but I do spend a lot more time than is probably healthy in front of this thing due to work and hobbies. It seemed like a good thing to start with.

Day 2

This is an attempt at being a little bit artsy, but there’s a lot of noise there. I still like it. And if you didn’t guess it’s coffee. Who doesn’t love coffee? Speaking of which, want to support my photography? Go ‘Buy Me A Coffee’ here:

Day 3

Some ideas work, and some don’t. But they’re still fun to try right? This is Deadpool, shot through a 50mm lens using a smartphone…..I’m just amazed I got him in focus.

Day 4

Another love of mine. Baking! After making these little chocolate cornflake cakes I thought it’s a good excuse to take a photograph.

Day 5

We had these iris’ sitting on a shelf for a while and I kept meaning to capture a photograph, but in the end I left it a little late. I thought it would be a good excuse to try a focus stack and I love the little details that are brought out by the technique.

Day 6

Continuing the photo stacking theme (I warn you there’s going to be a few along these lines!). I love how the shape of this orchid looks like a snake mid bite.

Day 7

A trip to Keddleston Hall for my birthday led to some interesting architecture but what really stood out for me was this chair used to hold up the rope (and possibly for sitting on). The golden trim really stood out so I brought it out a little more in the edit and desaturated everything else.

Day 8

Believe it or not this is a moth about the size of a fingernail. The focus could have been a little sharper for my liking but I still love that the tiny details can be seen around the eyes. Almost looks like a cute little fuzzball!

Day 9

Two photos for this day. Also you might be starting to see a theme that I’m on a bit of a macro spree at the moment. Two cosmos flowers in different states.

Day 10

Here I’m pushing my macro to the limits. This is not a good photo, but it’s a learning process and I wanted to share that. Hopefully this is more of a marker of where I was here. Also I still think it’s incredibly cool being able to make of some details on these aphids!

Day 11

And we’re up to date. Another stack of a dandelion merged into a single image to capture all the tiny details. I thought this one looked like tiny little fireworks.

So that’s it for now, we’re up to date. I’m posting the images on my twitter account ( under the hashtag #365DaysOfPhotos and will be starting to post them to my Ko-Fi page (, so feel free to follow along and see what I photograph next!

Categories: Uncategorized


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